Vestibulum bibendum commodo tellus
Integer ac nunc mollis, congue nisi vel, ullamcorper lacus. Duis vitae nunc sed mauris elementum fermentum. Maecenas tincidunt felis a nunc facilisis mattis.
Integer ac nunc mollis, congue nisi vel, ullamcorper lacus. Duis vitae nunc sed mauris elementum fermentum. Maecenas tincidunt felis a nunc facilisis mattis.
©2019 Maksimedia – PT Maksimedia Satyamitra. All Right Reserved
Bramantyo brings his experience working in worldwide advertising agencies to the Maksimedia creative team. As a Creative Director who has a passion in writing, Bramantyo is in charge of concept creation for corporate and marketing campaign projects. He holds a Sarjana degree in gas and petrochemical engineering from Universitas Indonesia.
Having more extensive experience in corporate and marketing communications industry, he has built his expertise in creative concept for below and above the line marketing campaign. He is in-charge creative works in Maksimedia, exclusively for audio and video projects. He is a graduate in Communications from Universitas Indonesia.
Having extensive skills as a copywriter in corporate communications agency, his writing experience centers on annual reports, company profiles, and financial reports of state-owned and private national banks as well as large corporations. His expertise includes producing conceptual development, copywriting, proofreading, and editing for corporations’ report. He is a graduate in Environment Management from Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Having a passion in photography, his experience also centers on creative and concept design. He was a Creative Director of Maksimedia who is now in charge of photography activities. He holds a Sarjana degree in Visual Communications from Institut Teknologi Bandung, and has more than 10 years of experience in well-known agencies before joining Maksimedia.
As the Head of Design division, Rina is responsible for directing, inspiring, and motivating team of designers to elevate design creativity. With an intuitive and perceptive sense for creative design, Rina has a tasteful, sophisticated, and eclectic approach in most of her designs. She has experience working with several reputable advertising agencies. Rina holds a Sarjana degree in Visual communications from Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta.
Having experience working in worldwide organizations, Untung serves as the Director of Account Services of Maksimedia. He is personable and professional with strong leadership skills in managing multiple projects concurrently with strong detail, problem solving, and follow-through capabilities. He also has extensive background in a variety of customer demographics from the leading national and multinational companies in Indonesia. Untung holds an MBA degree in Marketing from the Southern New Hampshire University, USA; and a Sarjana degree in Mechanical Engineering from Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang.
Began a professional career in multimedia business in 1997, Galuh serves as the Director of Multimedia Services of Maksimedia. Over the years, Galuh has brought his expertise in audio visual, video editing and production, and led a variety of tasks in multimedia services with a wide degree of creativity to achieve clients’ corporate objectives. His client lists include many of the well-known multinational companies in Indonesia. Galuh holds a Sarjana degree in Architecture from Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung.
Fully in charge of production activities which include pre-production and printing, Edi has many years of experience in media printing and since then has brought his expertise to support all divisions. Serving as the Director of Production of Maksimedia, Edi has exceled his expertise in managing multiple production projects concurrently with best quality and problem solving capabilities. Edi has a Sarjana degree in petroleum engineering from Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta.
Serving as the Managing Director of Maksimedia, Kiki has extensive experience in corporate communications agency, and brings the skills to the Maksimedia team. Kiki has demonstrated his management ability to motivate cohesive teams that achieve results. Kiki has shown strong commitment to developing and executing strategic plans and managing projects from inception to successful completion. His client lists include many of the leading national and multinational companies in Indonesia. Kiki holds a Sarjana degree in Economics from Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung.
Over the years, Tussy has built his expertise and accomplished his professional with a dynamic career leading high growth and start-up companies in media printing and corporate communications agency. As a Managing Partner and serves as the President Director of Maksimedia, Tussy has been instrumental in helping clients to formulate communications strategies as well as known for strengthening companies to lead in competitive markets and for delivering innovative concepts. Tussy holds a Sarjana degree in Petroleum Engineering from Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta.
Over the years, Tussy has built his expertise and accomplished his professional with a dynamic career leading high growth and start-up companies in media printing and corporate communications agency. As a Managing Partner and serves as the President Director of Maksimedia, Tussy has been instrumental in helping clients to formulate communications strategies as well as known for strengthening companies to lead in competitive markets and for delivering innovative concepts. Tussy holds a Sarjana degree in Petroleum Engineering from Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta.